
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fancy children dress



Entertainment is an oddity of a global image



Smaller cows in the world

Television snow

The largest insect


Smaller lock and key

A tree inside a car

Heart of cat

Police car

Smaller paper play


Smaller pen to write

Water out of the cavity tree

Training hard


Square-wheeled bicycle

Child bearing snakes

The biggest frog

A huge amount of lizards


The biggest ball of snow

Smallest camera


Beads from the cold

Coup truck apple

Large pipe

Fire bike


Tree growth on the bike

Longest horns

It's not as Some believe

Lesson One: (British) a man walked into the tub at the time it entered Zojthern door bell wife rushed out to cover her body with a towel and fall of the stairs. Was a slapper is a neighbor who once saw the wife even said: - I'll give $ 800 if you stripped away this towel! Thought wife for a moment, then took off the towel. ponders the neighbor a little criticism then $ 800. after it is gone, the wife stepped up to the top floor Fbaderha her husband's question: - It was a slapper? - it's our neighbor Bob .- Are you mentioned something about the $ 800 that Astdanha me?

Lesson from the Algospmutirk to provide your partners .. Numbers of receipts and payments, may protect you against (exposure) in front of competitors. Lesson II (U.S.) View priest to take her car to a nun from the monastery who lived in the church. Main and started the vehicle by the pastor even put his hand on the leg of a nun by the gesture: - O Father! Do you remember Decree 129? Brought his pastor to the steering wheel. But soon put it on the leg of a nun again .- O Father! Remind you of Decree 129! - Excuse me .. Excuse me. I will not repeat them again. How much are Ktaep the human soul?? Arrived to the church. Rmguet nun priest look shake and launched a sigh of regret and then fell. DLF pastor to the church and open the Bible and found in Decree 129: "The continued pursuit .. achieved the aspirations of the .,, told its limit .. Will gain glory. "Lesson of the story: The lack of details let you know your business would you miss the golden opportunities. Lesson III (Arabic) arrived during lunch hour in the store went the seller and the accountant and the director of the eating. On their way to the restaurant went through the vendor of hardware on the sidewalk Vachtroa him a lamp obsolete .. during Tkulaibhm lamp, smoke billowed from the crater of forming giant shouted their voice like thunder: - each of you one wish .. you and me to achieve for you. rushed seller yelling: - I'm first! I want to find myself driving Zrouka rapidly in the Bahamas and the air caress my face. Motioned with his hand Vtlashy giant seller in the blink of an eye. Then .. Jumped accountant flagrant: - I'm after please! I want to find myself under the fingertips of brunette masseuse on the island of Hawaii. Genie waved his arm accountant disappeared from the scene. And here it is the role of their manager, who said coldly: - I want to find myself in the store between the seller and the Accountant after the lunch break. The lesson of the first speakers Algospadjal boss .. So you know the direction of talk. Lesson IV (French) saw a rabbit small eagle in the comfort of laziness on the branch of a tree towering. Coney said of the eagle: - Can I do like you and I sit comfortably without work? - Of course, my dear Bunny. Lay the rabbit on the ground and closed his eyes in an idle forgetting what the minimum . Over the fox in the house .. and he saw the rabbit lying even jumped on it and charge. Lesson from the Algosplaimknk sit without a job were not what the people who click! Lesson V (Italian) was the duck talk with the bull, said to him: - I wish I can reach the top of this rock .- bull replied: "Why not? I can put you some dung even help you to climb. .. And so it was on the first day .. poured bull droppings next to Duck Rock was able to reach the third. .. On the second day urged the bull droppings in the same place the duck which managed access to two thirds of the Rock. On the day III .. The dung pile may Hazt summit of the rock. Scrambled duck for the rise, and that placed it on the summit of the rock until he saw a fisherman Vordaha. Algospimkn lesson from the dirt that you climb to the top .. but it will not keep you there long. Lesson VI (Russian) winds of snow on the Bulbul small during the flight as Fancy on the ground frozen. He saw a donkey compassionate Vohal him a bit of dirt for Idvih. Felt the bird warm Vtefq singing in the fun. Attract sound wolf urinated in the dirt for Itrih so that he can nail Balblbul. After impossible that the dirt and pulled out a solution .. wolf eat a nightingale. The lesson of the story 1) not all throw handfuls of dirt in your face an enemy.! 2) not all of the mud from a friend Enclk .3) when you are mired in the mud .. It is best to keep your mouth shut ..!!