Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
An inexhaustible treasure
An inexhaustible treasure
Was in the carpenter old claims ((Uncle Ibrahim)) work next to the beach Alnilubinma is engaged to work fell Mncharh in Alnehrfjels cries on Ziaahccant there fairy monitored surely, to him and asked him what Tbekifaqal fell serrate Balnhrvguetst and went out saw, of gold, and I asked him "Is this he said to Avguetst again and went out saw, from Silver, and asked him "Is this, he said, for example dived a third time and went out saw, from the bronze and I asked him"Is this he said to Avguetst again and went out Bmncharh Iron and asked him "Is this the said Namokd sported happiness by picking up a Mncharh, the pound gifting Saw the Golden, Silver and Bronze for his honesty and sincerity ... and one day last Was ((Uncle Ibrahim)) walks with his wife on the beach Alnehrphanzlguet feet and landed in the river, sat sobbing for surely, the pound and I asked him what makes you cry Faqalzojti fell in Alnhrvguetst Fairy and exited Bhaieva Wehbe and I asked him this the Faqalnam is Zojtevgillt Fairy said to lie, O deceitful? man answered: "I Did not lie, but I was afraid to say no Vngttsi and graduation Olisawandma say no it's not my wife Ngttsi and graduation Nancioandma say no it's not my wife Ngttsi and graduation Zojtiostqomy Bihdaii Haifa, Elissa, Nancy Sidqi and I'm an old man does not appreciate them Jmiefrdit Bhaieva only .. The Lord enables us
behavior of monkeys 5 قرود
This story is about an experiment which a group of scientist conducted in order to study the behavior of monkeys in terms of team play. The setup of the experiment was quite simple. There where five monkeys kept in a cage, with a ladder kept in the middle of the cage. A bunch of bananas was kept on top of the ladder! مجموعة من العلماء و ضعوا 5 قرود في قفص واحد و في وسط القفص ووضعوا سلم وفي أعلاه وضعوا بعض الموز
Now, the moment monkeys saw the banana on top, they tried to climb up the ladder and grab the banana. But what the scientists did was, the moment any monkey tried going up the ladder, they would shower freezing cold water on rest of the four monkeys. في كل مرة يطلع أحد القرود لأخذ الموز يرش العلماء باقي القرود بالماء البارد
بعد فترة بسيطة أصبح كل قرد يطلع لأخذ الموز، يقوم الباقين بمنعه و ضربه حتى لا يرتشون بالماء البارد
بعد مدة من الوقت لم يجرؤ أي قرد على صعود السلم لأخذ الموز، على الرغم من كل الإغراءات خوفا من الضرب
بعدها قرر العلماء أن يقوموا بتبديل أحد القرود الخمسة و يضعوا مكانه قرد جديد فأول شيء يقوم به القرد الجديد أنه يصعد السلم ليأخذ الموز
ولكن فورا الأربعة الباقين يضربونه و يجبرونه على النزول بعد عدة مرات من الضرب يفهم القرد الجديد بأن عليه أن لا يصعد السلم مع أنه لا يدري ما السبب
Now the scientists made more changes and replaced one of the old four monkeys with a new one. This time, same as the last time, first thing the new monkey did was to try going up the ladder and grab the banana! But upon this, he was severely bashed. This time, even our last replaced monkey, joined in beating the new monkey. Neither the new monkey knew why he was being beaten on trying to go up the ladder, nor our last replaced monkey knew why he is beating the new monkey on trying to climb up the ladder! قام العلماء أيضا بتبديل أحد القرود القدامى بقرد جديد و حل به ما حل بالقرد البديل الأول حتى أن القرد البديل الأول شارك زملائه بالضرب و هو لا يدري لماذا يضرب
Going ahead with the experiment, the scientists kept replacing old monkeys with new ones and every time the beating was repeated. وهكذا حتى تم تبديل جميع القرود الخمسة الأوائل بقرود جديدة
حتى صار في القفص خمسة قرود لم يرش عليهم ماء بارد أبدا و مع ذلك يضربون أي قرد تسول له نفسه صعود السلم بدون أن يعرفوا ما السبب
If it was ever possible to ask these five monkeys why they beat any other monkey who try to go up the ladder and grab the bananas, I'm sure the answer would be.. "I don't know... but that's how things are done over here!" لو سألنا القرود لماذا يضربون القرد الذي يصعد السلم؟
"عادات وتقاليد"
In life, most of the time we would encounter people, at work, among friends, peers, even family members, who would throw their solid fist on you every time you try to go up the ladder, without any justifiable reason or point! But unfortunately... "That's how things are done around here!"
We have a choice... either we can continue being a monkey and go on with bashing and beating.. or stop being one and start climbing the up the ladder!! نحن نملك قرارنا.... إما أن نصبح قرده ويتم فيه ضربنا وتخلفنا... أو إما نقف عن صمتنا ونبدأ صعود السلم!!
هكذا قال أينشتاين هناك شيئين لا حدود لهما ... العلَم و غباء الإنسان
عملياً هذا ما نطبقه نحن في أعمالنا وحياتنا اليومية نبقى في الروتين خوفاً من التغيير
(حاول أن تغير وتتغير حتى تشعر بلذة الحياة)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Top 10 Tips To Improve System Speed ......TIP
Recommended for any system. It doesn't matter if you have 256mb RAM or 2 GB RAM. Check the below tips to remove the memory junk and speedup windows os.
2. Refresh the desktop after closing any application. This will remove any unused files from the RAM.
3. Do not set very large file size images as your wallpaper. Do not keep a wallpaper at all if your PC is low on RAM (less than 64 MB).
4. Do not clutter your Desktop with a lot of shortcuts. Each shortcut on the Desktop uses up to 500 bytes of RAM
5. Empty the recycle bin regularly. The files are not really deleted from your hard drive until you empty the recycle bin.
6. Delete the temporary internet files regularly.
7. Defragment your hard drive once every two months. This will free up a lot of space on your hard drive and rearrange the files so that your applications run faster.
8. Always make two partitions in your hard drive. Install all large Softwares (like PSP, Photoshop, 3DS Max etc) in the second partition. windows all the available empty space in C drive as virtual memory when your Computer RAM is full. Keep the C Drive as empty as possible.
9. When installing new Softwares disable the option of having a tray icon. The tray icons use up available RAM, and also slow down the booting of your PC. Also disable the option of starting the application automatically when the PC boots. You can disable these options later on also from the Tools or preferences menu in your application.
10. Protect your PC from dust. Dust causes the CPU Cooling Fan to jam and slow down thereby gradually heating your CPU and affecting the processing speed. Use compressed air to blow out any dust from the CPU. Never use vacuum.
United Bamboo Fall Winter Calendar 2011 Features Cats
Radley, aged 5 years old, is wearing a sequined racer back cocktail dress. "Radley's pet peeve is the litter box. He thinks his poo may chase him - he doesn't understand it's not alive. So he runs out fast after doing his business and does circles around the apartment to make sure no Mr Hanky is following"
Oscar, aged 6-8 years old, is wearing a regatta blazer with striped trim. "I didn't know he was blind until after I adopted him! He has cheated death twice! OMG!"
Egon, aged 7 years old, is wearing a floral summer dress. "Egon doesn't like to be left out of dinner parties. Whenever guests come over for a meal, he will meow mournfully until we pull up an extra chair for him"
Ziggy, aged 1 and a half, is wearing a floral print mini dress with sarong sleeve detail. "Ziggy loves toys! He was returned to the pet store and I got him by fate"
Shovel Face a.k.a Noel, aged 10-13 years old, is wearing a calico print shirt dress. "She hates empty water bowls"
Bruce, aged 11 months, is wearing a sleeveless Jacquardo shirt and suede shorts. "Bruce doesn't like being picked up and held. He especially hates being held like a baby, with his belly facing up"
TJ a.k.a Thomas Jefferson, aged 12 years old, is wearing a 'jungle' print evening dress with bowtie detail. "TJ doesn't like it if there are no options. She often freaks out if she feels stuck in a room, so we need to make sure doors are always open for her"
Little Prego Spina, aged 1 year old, is wearing a one shoulder top with bowtie detail and anthracite pencil skirt. "She won't let anyone touch her tail...ever"
ViVi, aged 4 years old, is wearing a lurex boucle jacket and skirt ensemble. "She hates hairdryers"
Madison, aged 1 and a half years old, is wearing a velvet evening gown with open back ribbon detail. "Adopted at ASPCA - love at first sight"
Agent Orange, aged 1 year old, is wearing a square collar pea coat with mohair tunic sweater dress. "Agent Orange was adopted from a bodega"