
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Your Health......Check This Now !!!!!


Seafood healthy food for the heart and body

Seafood1 300x270 Seafood healthy food for the heart and body

When talking about the sea and contains the living and the different taste and taste and way of preparation of each type from each other. Comes the question about the usefulness of seafood and the veracity of the rumors about her?


acne is most common problem

acne remedies 224x300 acne is most common problem

We all have one or the other health problem, acne is most common issue. Beauty being skin deep, having acne on your skin makes people consider themselves as unattractive. You need not lose your beauty sleep over skin troubles, as acne natural remedies are here. First you must understand why do we have acne? It is due to sebaceous glands that are overactive especially on face, chest and neck during adolescence and hormonal imbalances. Sebum produced by these glands gets trapped in layers of skin causing acne.

Preventing cancer with clay 

Clay ss 20051 300x223 Preventing cancer with clay

Aflatoxins are naturally occurring toxins formed by molds. Corn and peanuts are often affected, especially when grown in drought conditions or stored at high temperature or humidity. These toxins can produce severe liver damage or cancer in humans. Even with the best agricultural practices, some contamination by aflatoxins, such as aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), is unavoidable. In the United States, strict regulations and testing by industry and government agencies have been largely effective at minimizing aflatoxin levels in the nation's food supply, though at a cost of approximately 1.4 billion dollars per year. However, the screening process is not foolproof. Despite the fact that raw materials are screened, every few years an outbreak of fatal aflatoxicosis occurs in dogs, a species far more sensitive than humans to the acute toxic effects of aflatoxins.


Diet for the thighs and abdomen

Slimming9a3 Diet for the thighs and abdomen

Suffer 70% of women belly of obesity, especially obesity, concentrated in the lower part of the body, thigh and abdomen is the most difficult areas in a woman's body .. When it comes to weight loss, calcium-rich food is very appropriate; because it burns fat. We will provide a special kind of Regima will guide you to the appropriate group of foods that fight cellulite and the group is appropriate and we will show the reasons.
Food causing CelluliteTM


Fight Cold and Flu, Avoid Sugar and Include Vitamin C and Vitamin D

 cold flu natural main  Fight Cold and Flu, Avoid Sugar and Include Vitamin C and Vitamin D

When given the opportunity our body has the amazing capacity to thwart many diseases and illnesses including the common cold and influenza. When we provide our immune system with the necessary tools to fight bacteria and viruses, vibrant health will always be the natural result.






حكمة بالغة






خرجت إمرأة من منزلها فرأت ثلاثة شيوخ لهم لحى بيضاء طويلة وكانوا جالسين في فناء منزلها.. لم تعرفهم .. وقالت لا أظنني اعرفكم ولكن لابد أنكم جوعى ! أرجوكم تفضلوا بالدخول لتأكلوا.

A woman came out of her house and saw three old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said 'I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat.

سألوها: هل رب البيت موجود؟
 Is the man of the house in home ?' they asked .

فأجابت :لا، إنه بالخارج.
' No ', she replied . ' He's out .

فردوا: إذن لا يمكننا الدخول.
'Then we cannot come in', they replied .

وفي المساء وعندما عاد زوجها أخبرته بما حصل
In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened

 قال لها :إذهبي اليهم واطلبي منهم أن يدخلوا
he said: ' Go tell them I am in home and invite them in .'

فخرجت المرأة و طلبت إليهم أن يدخلوا.

The woman went out and invited the men in .

فردوا: نحن لا ندخل المنزل مجتمعين.
' We do not go into a House together !' they replied .

سألتهم : ولماذا؟
'Why is that ?' she asked .

فأوضح لها أحدهم قائلا: هذا اسمه (الثروة) وهو يومئ نحو أحد أصدقائه، وهذا (النجاح) وهو يومئ نحو الآخر وأنا (المحبة)، وأكمل قائلا: والآن ادخلي وتناقشي مع زوجك من منا تريدان أن يدخل منزلكم !

One of the old men explained : 'His name is Wealth ,' he said as pointing to one of his friends, and said, pointing to another one , 'He is Success, and I am Love .' Then he added, 'Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home .'

دخلت المرأة وأخبرت زوجها ما قيل. فغمرت السعادة زوجها وقال: ياله من شئ حسن، وطالما كان الأمر على هذا النحو فلندعوا !(الثروة) !. دعيه يدخل و يملئ منزلنا بالثراء
The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was overjoyed . ' How nice !' he said . ' Since that is the case, let us invite Wealth . Let him come and fill our home with wealth !'

فخالفته زوجته قائلة: عزيزي، لم لا ندعو (النجاح)؟
His wife disagreed . ' My dear, why don't we invite Success ?'

كل ذلك كان على مسمع من زوجة ابنهم وهي في أحد زوايا المنزل .. فأسرعت باقتراحها قائلة: أليس من الأجدر أن ندعوا !(المحبة)؟ فمنزلنا حينها سيمتلئ بالحب
Their daughter in law was listening from the other corner of the house. She jumped in with her own suggestion : ' Would it not be better to invite Love ? Our home will then be filled with love .'

فقال الزوج: دعونا نأخذ بنصيحة زوجة ابننا!

'Let us heed/follow our daughter in law' s advice,' said the husband to his wife !


اخرجي وادعي (المحبة) ليحل ضيفا علينا!

'Go out and invite Love to be our guest.'



خرجت المرأة وسألت الشيوخ الثلاثة: أيكم (المحبة)؟ أرجو أن يتفضل بالدخول ليكون ضيفنا

The woman went out and asked the three old men , 'Which one of you is Love ? Please come in and be our guest .'


نهض (المحبة) وبدأ بالمشي نحو المنزل .. فنهض الإثنان الآخران وتبعاه !. وهي مندهشة, سألت المرأة كلا من (الثروة) و(النجاح) قائلة: لقد دعوت (المحبة) فقط ، فلماذا تدخلان معه؟

Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other two also got up and followed him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success : 'I only invited Love ; Why are you coming in?'


فرد الشيخان: لو كنت دعوت (الثروة) أو (النجاح) لظل الإثنان الباقيان خارجاً، ولكن كونك دعوت (المحبة) فأينما يذهب نذهب معه .. أينما توجد المحبة، يوجد الثراء والنجاح.!

The old men replied together : 'If you had invited Wealth or Success , the other two of us would've stayed out, but since you invited Love , wherever He goes, we go with him. Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success.'






Paintings on Walls